Accessing an Influencer’s Contact Details

You can access an influencer’s contact details through and SocialiQ.

This is how you can find contact details on

Click ‘Unlock Contact Details’ on their profile card in the search section of the app.

A pop-up will appear showing how many contact credits you have remaining.

Click ‘Yes’ here to unlock contact details. Once you press ‘Yes,’ you’ll be able to see the influencer's contact details at the bottom of the card.

Note: The app shows a ‘No contacts found’ message at the bottom of the influencer’s profile card in case our database doesn’t have any contact of the influencer.

Finding contact details of influencers through is easy, right? 

Accessing contacts through SocialiQ is quick and easy, too. Here’s how you can access contact details via SocialiQ:

So, let’s say you need YouTube influencer Rissa’s contact details.

Open her YouTube channel and click on the SocialiQ icon on the right.

Next, click on ‘Contact’ at the bottom.

Now, click ‘Get Contact Info.’ SocialiQ will show her contact details if they’re in our database. Clicking on any of the social media icons below will open her profiles on other social media, and you can reach out to the influencer in this way, too.

If you want to export an influencer’s details into an Excel sheet, you must disable quick search (which automatically enables advanced search on the app).

Login into Click on the ‘Account’ drop-down at the app's top, click ‘Account Settings’ and then click ‘App.’ Move the ‘Enable Quick Search’  button from right to left (it’ll change from green to grey) to disable quick search. Read this guide for more information about exporting details into an Excel sheet. 

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