How does White Labeling work?

Our White Labeling solution allows you to share live campaign reports and profile reports with your clients, all branded with your own domain and logo. This means you can present an influencer marketing platform that showcases your brand.

Furthermore, you have the option to access the platform using your own brand domain, adding an extra level of professionalism.

Configuring White Labeling is straightforward and can be done within the platform itself.

To do this: 

Open 'Account Settings' and go to 'White Labeling'.

Now fill out the form that appears.

During the White Labeling setup process, you will encounter the following settings:

  1. Business Name: You have to Enter your Business Name
  2. Domain: You have to Enter your Business Domain. This domain will be assigned to your account. You should be able to access using this domain.
  3. Favicon: Your favicon will replace the Impulze favicon upon accessing from your brand domain.
  4. Logo: Your business logo will replace the Impulze logo upon accessing from your brand domain.
  5. Email Configuration (optional): Your custom domain Email will replace Impulze domain for sending Emails to users like password reset mails etc.

Click here to know know to setup Email Configuration in White labeling.

  1. Colour Theme (optional): You can customise the platform according to your needs.

Click here to know how to setup Colour theme in white labeling.

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